Saturday, June 26, 2021


 Okay, let's start with some good news: Property crimes, such as burglaries and larcenies, fell significantly in 2020. Good for you, America!

Are you ready for the news that isn't quite so good? Also known in some pockets as "the bad news?" Homicides were up in 2020. A lot. Thirty percent. Kind of hard to imagine that in a year during which most of us were locked away inside that we still managed to kill one another one third more as often as when we were traipsing about without any restrictions. According to a report by the Council on Criminal Justice, this "precipitous rise in homicides coincided with the emergence of mass protests after George Floyd was killed in late May by a police officer in Minneapolis," and "no simple connection exists between police violence, protests against such violence, and community violence."

So, coincidence. Not causal. That's great. Now we've got two things to fix. President Joe is going to continue to issue Executive Orders in hopes of stemming this tide. This time, he's going after rogue firearms dealers in hopes of keeping guns from getting into the hands of idiots who would use them to kill one another. Like the nimrods who came over to Oakland this past weekend from San Francisco to have a shootout in the middle of a crowded street in broad daylight. Or the idjit who decided to shoot a police officer in Arvada, Colorado last Tuesday. At this point I would like to suggest that if you're a nimrod or an idjit with plans for shooting anyone you should stay away from Colorado. They've had more than their share of stupid gun violence this year. 

Yes. You read that right. I am appealing to stupid people who want to kill other people with guns to knock it off. In the spirit of "guns don't kill, people kill people," I am offering up a little reason into the equation. If you're a gun owner, aren't you tired of stupid people messing up your Second Amendment rights? Before you know it, President Joe is going to figure out a way to keep stupid people from doing stupid things, but first it's pretty likely that he's going to step on your arms-bearing toes. Before that happens and you feel compelled to show off that maximum capacity magazine and bump stock you got while no one was making you feel less than American, how about you guys get behind and push. On the idjits and the nimrods. The killers. If we can figure out how to bring that homicide number back down to, oh I dunno, around zero then maybe you can have your AR-15 and eat it too. 

But not until then. 

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