Tuesday, June 15, 2021

First And Last

 Here's some history: Ahmed Muhammad is the first black valedictorian of Oakland Technical High School. That's one hundred six years of history. Ahmed was the first. And, for the time being, the only black valedictorian of Oakland Technical High School. It took a century and a surge of events that culminated in what maybe should have happened decades previous. In 2021, here we are. Glass ceiling broken at last. 

Now, it's possible that you might be harboring doubts about this timeline. Maybe you are wondering if there were always black students in attendance at Oakland Tech. Well, back in 1963 there were enough students of color to put together an Interracial Understanding Club. If you travel back in time to the 1930s, yearbook photos represent the history of Oakland's diversity. So, yes, black students have been in attendance just about as long as the school has been. 

Tech has a list of notable alumnae, including a great many athletes, music and film stars, and one of the Tuskegee Airmen. Some of these were folks were black, like Lieutenant Roger Romine, and some of them were other colors. Like Clint Eastwood. But it wasn't until 2021 that circumstances allowed a black student to become valedictorian. 

How can this be? No one would blame systematic racism, not here in Oakland. That would be the glass half empty view. For Ahmed's view, he was quick to point out that he expected that while he was the first, he certainly won't be the last. 

Meanwhile, down the road apiece in Mississippi, West Point High had selected two students to be valedictorian and salutatorian. They happened to be black. The announcement received pushback from a few parents who insisted that the qualifications for these two young ladies had been miscalculated and the honors should be going instead to two white students. According to the student handbook. So at commencement ceremonies, all four students gave their speeches. 

And lawsuits are pending. 

It won't be the first time, but wouldn't it be nice if it could be the last. 

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