Thursday, June 17, 2021

Buddy, Can You Spare A Dime?

 Good news, house hunters! Elon Musk is unloading his "last remaining house." If you are "a large family," looking for a place in Northern California, this could be the spot for you. If you're concerned that one of the wealthiest beings in this galactic quadrant is currently living in a shoe box in the middle of the road, never fear: He is renting his current residence in Boca Chica, Texas from his company, Space X. 

Okay, I never claimed to be an expert in real estate, but if he's paying rent to the company he owns, isn't he paying himself? And if the "residence" for which he is paying rent is owned by his company, doesn't that mean he owns it? 

Maybe I shouldn't try too hard to worry this one out. The guy needs money. He's hoping to use all that cash to build a city on Mars. 

Of course he's serious. He named his son after the Universal Price Code on the bottom of a box of Cap'n Crunch. He throws millions of dollars at made up currency and then tells people to grow up and not try to buy any of his appliance/cars with it. And when it comes to being serious about going to Mars, this guy's legit. He's blown up more rockets than NASA and continues to insist that he's going to get a million of us to the Red Planet by 2050. 

So, if you could help a brother out here and just buy that last remaining house, you'd be doing him a solid. 

Meanwhile, his space buddy Jeff Bezos has quit his job to concentrate on astronaut training. His rocketship company, Blue Origin, is going to launch its founder into orbit along with his brother and a lucky adventurer who just happened to be the high bidder for the privilege. Twenty-eight million dollars for a ten minute trip. That would buy a lot of Amazon Fire Sticks. And it suddenly makes standing in line for the chance to get into The Avengers Campus at Disneyland seem like a really good deal. 

And somewhere out there, Richard Branson is yet another really rich guy who hopes to fly off into space on his Virgin Galactic rocket before Bezos leaves the ground, and before that large family in Northern California is out of escrow. Maybe Messrs.Branson and Bezos could rent the place out for a place to crash between launches. Not literally, of course.  

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