Friday, May 21, 2021

Offering A Solution

 So here's a quandary I have: Are the same folks who would rather that we did not put restrictions on guns the same group that would very much like to see restrictions on the homeless? It certainly seems to be a thread that, when pulled, starts to unravel the bright red baseball caps on top of so very many pointed heads. 

And once that cap has been shredded, you can start to see the connection between homelessness and people of color. 

So, am I suggesting that there is a direct connection between those who might "do away" with homeless encampments and guns and people of color?

Yes. I am. 

If this makes those red-capped ideologues uncomfortable, maybe I can suggest an alternative solution: Arm the homeless. Make them officers in the fight against crime. They can continue to camp out, but we could give them fancy uniforms and flags that announce them as Urban Pacification Forces. This way, when you come across some guy living in a tent down by the overpass, you don't need to panic. They aren't here to make you uncomfortable. They are here to make you safe. And the cost of some shirts and badges would be considerably less than the cost of those periodic "homeless sweeps" that destroy encampments and force their inhabitants to move down the tracks. For a while. Because bulldozing them does not making them disappear. They do not have homes to go back to. They will not evaporate. They are human beings. 

And now they will be heavily armed human beings with a stated purpose. This part might be a little bit of a tough sell, since not everyone will be excited about giving assault rifles to those people who have been cut out of the American Dream. They might get it into their heads that revolution is the only solution. They might take up those arms against us. Which is why we have to ask them to promise to only use their guns to serve and protect. Serve and protect us, the ones who need the kind of reassurance that having a home filled with guns can provide. Imagine how much more secure we will all be once we have the homeless on our side? If you're lie awake at night after seeing Americans camped out near your neighborhood, imagine how soundly you will sleep when you know it's really an armed post for securing life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

Makes a lot of sense, right? 

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