Sunday, May 16, 2021

Living The Dream

 Hey, kids! Here's something you probably didn't expect to see in my blog: A quotation from Liz Cheney: 

"Our duty is clear. Every one of us who has sworn the oath must act to prevent the unraveling of our democracy. This is not about policy. This is not about partisanship. This is about our duty as Americans. Remaining silent, and ignoring the lie, emboldens the liar."

Liz Cheney, Republican Representative from Wyoming. Daughter of Dick "Dick" Cheney. Until a few days ago, third in line for leadership of her party in Congress. 

Which is my way of suggesting that when it comes to liars, she probably knows about what she speaks. She has been speaking, since January 6, 2021, about the big orange tumor that has been ignored by so many in her party. The one that lied about most everything it came into contact with, and about which the lying in Republicanville continues with ferocity. 

Like Representative Andrew Clyde from Georgia, who insisted that there was no insurrection, and no real trouble back then. “If you didn't know that TV footage was a video from January the sixth, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.” 

I have been to the U.S. Capitol as a tourist. During my visit, no one broke windows, beat police officers, and most importantly, no one died. I walked the Mall back then, and I do not remember seeing any gallows erected to hang the sitting Vice President. A different time, I guess. A different world. 

Meanwhile, the main strategy coming from the powers that be in the Republican Party seems to be clinging to the ghost of the twice-impeached former game show host and big orange tumor. Rather than washing their hands of a man who lost the popular vote for the second time in as many attempts to run for the office, they have chosen to deny that this happened and while begrudgingly acknowledging questions about Joe Biden being the new President with a pouty, "Well, that's what you say," they work feverishly to find ways to disenfranchise voters who brought about those totals. Math is the latest concrete reality to be assailed by these folks, having consciously ignored science for some time now. 

To be clear, this is not a disagreement about whether it's better to take the highway or surface streets. This is about whether we should have a turkey sandwich or broken glass for lunch. This is a break with reality that is being promoted by a great many of our sworn elected officials. The Republican Party has turned on their own, and it is anyone's guess when the express train to looneyland will stop. 

I understand that this is an exercise in preaching to the choir, but if we all sing loud and clear, maybe we can still make our voices heard. Let's not embolden the liars. 

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