Thursday, March 25, 2021

Listen Here

 "I listened to him, but I didn't do what he said." 

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how we ended up with more than half a million Americans dead. Those were the words that the former gameshow host and occupant of the White House for the past four years used to describe his attention to Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institutes of Health. 

Lack of attention. What else did the former Executive Cheeto take away from his connection to Dr. Fauci? "He's a great promoter. He's really a promoter more than anything else." This is coming from a man who tends to put his name, or at least his initials in everything he owns. Or wants to own. Casinos, steaks, ties. You name it, the twice-impeached one has promoted it. For his own gain. 

Which is precisely where he and the good doctor differ. Anthony Fauci promotes science. He promotes care. He promotes caution. The same cannot be said for the ex-"president." How very different do we know things would be now if the man in front of all those microphones every day, before he had his social media accounts taken away for reckless insurrection, if rhymes-with-dump would have suggested and reminded all his followers to mask up? 

For example. 

Another example: The guy with the gold-plated initial fixation ended up contracting COVID-19. With all that information surrounding him on a daily basis, he still managed to lick the wrong doorknob, or simply ignore the conventions that the rest of us were taking as doctrine. And what did he say after he was released from the hospital where he received the finest care available? “I learned so much about coronavirus,” he said in a video posted to Twitter that he filmed at the White House upon his return. “And one thing that’s for certain: Don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re going to beat it.” He said this on a day when only four hundred twenty-nine Americans died from the disease. Apparently they weren't listening when he told them not to let it dominate them. Or maybe they listened. They just didn't do what he said. 

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