Monday, March 29, 2021

Just A Few Things

 Okay, maybe we should start with this: Politicians did not ban any of Dr. Seuss's books. The decision was made by Dr. Seuss Enterprises not to publish six of that late Dr.'s works because those books "portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong.” If it helps to think of it in terms that everyone might understand, McDonald's stopped selling their food in vats and troughs because they hoped they might be seen as promoting a healthier lifestyle. A half gallon of Coca Cola might be considered hurtful and wrong. It's a corporate move to reflect an awareness that has only recently become obvious to those who are a little late to the game. To be clear, Theodor Geisel's work with the War Department during World War II would probably not play as well now as it did when we were at war with Japan and Germany. And there's a reason why those cartoons are not in heavy rotation on HBO Max. They portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong.

Business decision. Not cancel culture.

Next: When it snows, inevitably someone will start to squawk about how they were pretty sure that global warming would be really nice right now since it's so darn cold. Then there are some knowing chuckles as they roll their eyes at the "scientists." It's the "scientists'" fault for letting a term like "global warming" sneak into the tiny minds of those who don't believe anything that makes their lives less convenient. Which is probably why the guy who invented the Internet and Global Warming called his book An Inconvenient Truth. For a lot of folks who happen to find themselves living a life of convenience in America, being told that their style of life needs to change so that others might eventually enjoy a life of similar convenience in future generations, bristle. Everything's fine. Never mind the rising sea levels and the increase in severe weather across the globe. Everything's fine. Even those blizzards that kill the power in states that didn't bother to pay for the sub-zero upgrades. That's fine. Don't aske them to give up their great big American cars. That would be inconvenient. 

And that's the truth.

Another point of contention: Men should just shut up when it comes to reproductive rights. The freedom of that choice is not made by men. Choosing life includes the life of the mother. A political party that makes its hay by suggesting that government should stay out of people's business really ought to stay out of matters concerning the womb. 

And while we're at it, let's just go ahead and agree that white folks don't get to decide if they are racist or not. They have no perspective. The louder that you insist that you are not, the larger the potential for that assertion to be dismissed. The "least racist person" is not the person who talks about it the most. 

I hope this clears things up for everyone. 

You're welcome. 

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