Saturday, March 20, 2021

First, Middle, Last

 Robert Aaron Long. Suspect. We have to say that because a jury of his peers has yet to find him guilty. We also use his middle name to help fit him into the convention of serial killers with three names. It helps distinguish him from the myriad of Robert Longs in the world who did not go on a shooting rampage that killed eight women. We refer to his murders as "alleged" not because his victims are any less dead, but because there might still be some bizarre circumstance that would change our perspective.

Robert Aaron Long. Murderer. While we're at it, let's go ahead and make clear that six of the eight women he killed were of Asian descent. I know it's early for some of you, but here's some math: citizens of Atlanta who are of Asian heritage make up less than five percent of the population. Six out of eight is seventy-five percent. Now, if we are going to allege that this was a hate crime against Asians, the percentages certainly help make that case. The recent uptick in violence against Asian- Americans is hard to ignore. In New York City. Here in the Bay Area. Across the country. Assault, battery, homicide. And now we have arrived at the mass shooting. 

I have argued in this spot before that most crime is hate crime. I have suggested that there's a little hate in anyone who chooses to harm another person or their property. For some, it's that little shove that they need to move from thinking about hate to acting on it. The anti-Asian rhetoric spouted by the previous administration fueled this hate. Allegedly. Where's the proof, right? 

Robert Aaron Long: "Nerdy" and from a "good Christian family." Had a "sexual addiction" and he was trying to eliminate the temptation. Those were descriptions form authorities in Georgia. Once again, we are left to make sense of the senseless. 

Robert Aaron Long: White. Twenty-one. Fleeing the scene. Police were able to capture him. He was not shot or killed by officers. 

Rayshard Brooks: Black. Twenty-seven. Fleeing the scene. Police officers shot and killed him. 

Robert Aaron Long: Allegedly murdered eight women at two different massage parlors in Atlanta.

Rayshard Brooks: Allegedly fell asleep in a car blocking the drive-thru of an Atlanta Wendy's. 

The Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism released a report that says hate crimes targeting Asian Americans had increased one hundred fifty percent during the pandemic. That's a lot of hate. Enough to get a "good Christian" with a love of guns to head out and make a name for himself. All three of them. 

We currently do not have a vaccine to protect us from hate. 

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