Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Partly Cloudy

 The news that Georgia has gone blue should not be overshadowed by the ugly mess that has been the past few weeks. This is the good news for bleeding hearts such as myself that has been in such short supply during the four years of Trumplestiltskin. What should be remembered, however, is that this kind of thing has been happening intermittently not just as a distraction from the current administration, but as a response to the forces that brought us our first African American president. These have been the steps forward when as a country we are so very prone to taking two steps back.

The past four years have, at times, felt like we were sprinting in the wrong direction. For us bleeding hearts, anyway. Trying to keep our eyes on that proverbial prize was difficult if not impossible. There were times during which the almost absurd evil stacked up in such a way that it almost blocked out the sun. 

The sun came out a little bit this past week: The National Rifle Association declared bankruptcy. While the Trump family was putting things in boxes and patching the holes and hoping to get their deposit back, the NRA was announcing to their move to Texas to be free of the “toxic political environment of New York.” Oh, and they are hemorrhaging money and filing Chapter 11 will allow them to consolidate their debts and assets. And a major donor is challenging that filing, suggesting that the powers that used to be in the NRA have defrauded contributors by using their donations to pad their excessive lifestyles. Suggesting that all is not well in our country's most prominent gun lobby comes as happy news to those of us who root against the evil empire. Or at least what we perceive to be the evil empire. 

Because i know that January 20 will show up as a dark day for those who live on the other side of this equation. Foo Fighters and Bruce Springsteen? And I suppose there will be those who will see this parting of the clouds in my world as a storm front in theirs. It's like that weather forecast that aims to please everyone: Partly cloudy. This too, as they say, shall pass. 

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