Wednesday, December 16, 2020


 Remember how Trump and his minions were going to "make America great again?" I'm looking around the scorched earth left in the wake of four years, the word "great" does not come to mind. "Scorched earth" comes to mind. And now, just to make sure no one makes the mistake of thinking that there was still something great to come out of this administration, after a seemingly unending series of meritless lawsuits, those red baseball hats have reappeared in our nation's capital. The reason for all those MAGAts to show up now was to "stop the steal." Their guy didn't win the election. Or all those lawsuits. so naturally their approach is to destroy the GOP. Really. That's what they were chanting. So fervent in their support for the former game show host and soon to be former "president," the redcaps commenced to tear things up. They went to a church and tore up Black Lives Matter signs. Threw them to the ground. And then they set them on fire. 

Literally scorched earth. 


If they can't have the White House, nobody can. If they can't win a lawsuit, nobody can. If they can't make any sense, nobody can. 


So now the question is how long can this go on? We all expected that the results would not be final on election night. There were some anxious days as votes were tallied. We all expected there to be trouble if the game show host lost. The illusion for many will not end. There are those who continue their commitment to their candidate. Not their party. The party that has so recently embarrassed themselves by insisting that the emperor did in fact have clothes on. The GOP doesn't really need a lot of help being destroyed. They're doing a fine job all by themselves.

Proud boys.


There's still another month to the inauguration. Plenty of time for greatness.

Or more scorched earth.


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