Saturday, August 01, 2020


Prime and choice
loaded words
with lots of meaning
You can prime a pump
Choice can be the best
Of course, so can Prime
Prime can be numbers
that cannot be divided
except by themselves
Choice is something
we all say we want
My wife likes to talk
about her prime
She remembers those days
when she felt free
to make a choice
She smiled brightly
when she told me
that our relationship
was in its prime
Which made me glad
that she made a choice
a long time ago
and that choice was me
We are a prime example
of making a choice
and sticking with it
There have been times
for both of us
when we wondered
about the choice we made
We had to find a way
to prime the pump
and make things new
because we are saving
our prime time
for each other
As it turns out
not such a hard choice
after all

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