Tuesday, August 18, 2020


 Seven AM: Show up on campus. Set up tables.

Seven fifteen AM: Rearrange tables.

Seven twenty AM: Put the tables back where they were.

Seven thirty AM: Check with principal about arrangement of tables.

Seven thirty-five AM: She's right. Put one of the tables away.

Seven forty-five AM: Drag extension cords and Chromebook cart to breezeway.

Seven forty-nine AM: Switch Chromebook cart for the one that has Chromebooks in it. 

Seven fifty-five AM: Sit down.

Seven fifty-nine AM: Get up. Move the tables. Just a little bit.

Eight AM: Sit back down. Stare at the gate through which parents will pour. Eventually.

Eight ten AM: Unlock the gate. We still have fifty minutes before we are scheduled to be open.

Eight twenty-one AM: First parent arrives with Chromebook in a bag. "This doesn't work."

Eight twenty-four AM: I show her that it does. She insists "it didn't do that at my house."

Eight twenty-five AM: I consider confessing to her that I am a wizard.

Eight twenty-nine AM: Turns out she doesn't have an Internet connection at her house.

Eight thirty AM: I give her an Internet hotspot, and explain how to install it at her house.

Eight thirty-two AM: I ask her if she has any questions. She assures me that she does not.

Eight thirty-three AM: Another parent has come through the gate I left open. I contemplate telling him that we are waiting until nine o'clock to help folks with registration and technology.

Eight thirty-four AM: I wave him over after my first parent has bagged up her Chromebook and moved aside. 

Eight thirty six AM: With social distance now somewhat satisfied, I watch as he pulls a Chromebook from a bag and places it in front of me. "This doesn't work," he announces.

We don't open for another twenty-four minutes. This is going to be a long day. 

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