Monday, August 24, 2020


 Do you believe in miracles? That was a question asked by Al Michaels once a long time ago as the United States hockey team finished off the Russians. Katherine Kuhlman had a TV show in which she described how she did just that. Jefferson Starship wished that you would believe, you know, in miracles. For a long time, it seems that the folks in Fleetwood Mac didn't, but they had a feeling it was time to try. 

Jesus performed seven: He changed water to wine. He healed the sick. He healed the crippled. He fed the multitudes. He walked on water. He brought eyesight to the blind. He raised the dead. There may have been others, but they weren't written down. Besides, seven is such a nice biblical number, right? Scholars will categorize those in four general categories:  faith healings, exorcisms, resurrection, control over nature and forgiveness of sins. 

It's that focus on healing that overs the sick, the crippled, and the blind. And maybe that's where the "president" expects his faith to land when it comes to the coronavirus. His little friend Mike Pence said last week that, “we think there’s a miracle around the corner." Which is right in line with the rhetoric that his boss has been throwing around since February. Inventor, infomercial star of those My Pillow ads and Trumpian Mike Lindell has been rambling on about an untested plant extract called oleandrin as a “miracle” therapy for COVID-19. Except that it's toxic, if you ask a botanist. 

Of course, what do botanists know about miracles? They are scientists, after all, and they would love nothing more than to tear down anything and everything that makes this country great. Like the Olympic Hockey Team. And Katherine Kuhlman. And seventies pop music. 

Donald Trump likes him some seventies pop music. He might just take some and put it on in front of one of his public appearances. Without asking first. He likes him some miracles too. He's pretty sure that soon the virus is just going to disappear. It will just go away. This, he asserts, will be a miracle. A little late for the one hundred seventy million plus Americans who have died from COVID-19, but a miracle for him nonetheless.

Maybe we will have to wait a little longer for another miracle: This "president" will just go away. In about seventy days. But like most miracles, prayers may not be enough to get this done. 


Like your life depended on it. 

Because it does. 

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