Wednesday, May 27, 2020

I Want

My wife asked me what I wanted to do this summer.
I want to go to Disneyland.
I want to visit my family in Colorado.
I want to see the new James Bond movie.
I want to see the new Black Widow movie.
I want to see any movie in a movie theater.
I want to see my son.
I want to sit down in a restaurant and be handed a menu.
I want to stop thinking about social distance.
I want to stop worrying that I haven't washed my hands enough.
I want to drop by the store to pick up a few things without having to stand in line for an hour.
I want to use the Pearl Jam tickets I bought last December.
I want to use the Green Day tickets I bought last January.
I want to sit on the couch and watch sports that didn't take place a decade or more ago.
I want to leave my house without checking first to be sure I have my mask.
I want to see people's chins.
I want to go a week without Zoom.
I want to binge-watch TV shows as a choice, not an avocation.
I want to go to Best Buy and just wander around looking at stuff.
I want to have a week or two to stop worrying about what school will look like in August.
I want to go to a park without feeling like a desperado.
I want to go on an airplane without having to wear a hazmat suit.
I want to go to a baseball game.
I want to watch old movies and not flinch when I see crowds of people.
I want to shake hands.
I want to high five.
I want to fist bump.
I want to stand uncomfortably close to strangers.
I want to hug.
I want to stop referring to this as "the new normal."

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