Friday, May 01, 2020

Fox Fire

I've never been thrown out of a bar. This probably has less to do with my behavior than the bars in which I used to hang. I say this with complete understanding of how I appear, or used to appear when dive bars were my thing. Like we used to say, "You can't fall off the floor."
So, here's the deal: Diamond and Silk fell off the floor.
If you're not familiar with Diamond and Silk, they are Ineitha Lynette Hardaway and Herneitha Rochelle Richardson, social media video bloggers who have made their name in the virtual world by promoting their favorite "president," Donald J. Trump. They somewhat famously stirred up a fuss in 2016 and 2018 by insisting that Facebook blocked or censored their page. Not that they had any specific evidence to back up these claims, but it certainly brought them notice. All the way to the halls of Congress, where Tennessee Representative Marsha Blackburn concluded her questioning of Facebook CEO and Jesse Eisenberg impersonator Mark Zuckerberg by insisting, "Let me tell you something right now, Diamond and Silk is not terrorism." 
Not terrorists? Check. Rabid supporters of the MAGA agenda? Check. Fox News fodder? Check. Eventually the duo made the transition from Al Gore's Internet to the big time. After numerous appearances on various Fox shows from Hannity to Ingraham they showed up on the "president's" favorite Fox & Friends. It was there that Diamond and Silk claimed that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was a "non-functioning alcoholic" who "slurs her words." They made this claim based on a doctored video that showed up on (ta-dah) Facebook. For their efforts, they were given their own show on Fox's streaming service. Fox News did have to go back and apologize for airing the doctored video.
Fast forward to the age of coronavirus, and we find Diamond and Silk spreading their own special brand of "the truth." Over the past several weeks, the pair have at different times suggested that COVID-19 was “engineered” possibly with “a little deep-state action.” that Bill Gates was pushing a vaccine as a means of population control. That 5G technology was being used to deliberately infect people, and that the death toll of the pandemic was being inflated. 
So Fox fired them. 
And yet, somehow Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson still have jobs. Well, as we say, stay tuned. 

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