Sunday, April 26, 2020

You're Not The Boss Of Me

Let's see, the world is hunkering down as any good world would in the midst of a plague. But, as I have pointed out here recently, that does not mean that we have to recognize a universal cessation of hostilities.
Quite the opposite. Tensions are high, and not just across America's living rooms as families try to negotiate terms of use for their Netflix account. A lot of folks would rather not be told what to do, especially when it comes to wearing a mask or standing six feet away from one another. Now I suspect some might have missed the message, or maybe their good mask was in the wash, or perhaps their sense of distance is impaired by years of being taunted by the conversion to the metric system. Whatever the case, it's causing some people to get more than a little jumpy.
You can add to this list the flood of overly concerned corporations who have taken it upon themselves to produce commercials to remind us just how overly concerned they are with our welfare. Dunkin' Donuts cares. Burger King wants to help. Everyone wants us to know that they offer "contactless delivery." Even Hyundai would like to make things easier for you to buy a car. Even if you don't have anywhere to drive right now.
What can be done with all this pent-up aggression? Some have taken to a nightly ritual of howling at the moon, or at least howling at the twilight. This could be a change from the original version which had Italians singing from their balconies. Which is great if you can get everybody to agree on a song. And everybody knows the words. And sing. Or you could just get up right now and go to your window and yell, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore."
Or, you could take it to the lowest possible level and start taking it out on those around you. You could start caterwauling at people who are just doing their jobs. Call them names. Demean them just for making the mistake of being in the same room as you. That's what our "president" does. Don't do that. As the lady said, "It's chaos, be kind."
Just a suggestion. I'm not the boss of you.

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