Friday, April 17, 2020

What's That?

I have mentioned here recently that my wife and I have been playing a classical composer each day, and it so happened on one particular morning I selected Aaron Copeland. And while we were sitting there at the kitchen table, I was perusing the day's news. I clicked on a link that said "Obama endorses Biden." That was the moment that the gods of Spotify decided to start playing A Lincoln Portrait. As I watched our forty-fourth President speak calmly and directly about the challenges facing our country, I felt a renewed sense of hope. It was a feeling I haven't had for months now. Suddenly, from our kitchen table, my wife and I felt called to action.
I know that we have all had a lot to think about over the past couple of months. The past three and a half years. I know that there are lots of ways this road might have turned, but here we are. All those possible paths have narrowed to a simple crossroad. Had we been able to assemble some incredible hybrid version of all the possible Democratic challengers, all their best qualities and all the ways that each one could break new ground, we wouldn't be so stunned now.
It's time to pick up the pieces. It's time to move forward and stop waiting for the best possible choice and make the choice we need to make.
And now the nerd in me would like to speak: The moment that I described in our kitchen brought a spoiler alert to mind. I apologize if you have not seen Avengers: Endgame yet, but if you've been quarantined for more than a month and you were going to see it, what are you waiting for? When I had that sudden infusion of hope, I was reminded of the scene where Thanos is about to crush Thor, and Thor's hammer comes flying across the screen. Straight into Captain America's hand. In this model, I suppose we can all agree on who Thanos is. The pandemic might be all the swirling nasty creatures and Thor might represent the American people. Maybe Captain America isn't Joe Biden. But he is. He has to be.
Or choose your own goofy metaphor. It's time to get up off the mat and fight back. We've had enough of "the inevitable." It's time to get some hope back in the game.

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