Monday, April 06, 2020

Things That Make You Go Huh?

With a lot of time to sit around and mull, I find all manner of things happening around me and the rest of the planet.
Why did the "president" relieve US Navy Captain Crozier of his command after the Captain let the world know that there were infected sailors on the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt? It was determined that the Captain went out of the chain of command to beg for the help of his crew. Why would that happen? Huh?
Why is Jared Kushner in charge of anything? After you include the chance meeting between him and the "president's" favorite daughter, what makes him qualified to do anything outside of selling real estate? He's in charge of peace in the Middle East. He's in charge of a task force for distribution of supplies during the pandemic. Huh?
Why is the "president" so confused by social distance? Could it be that all those years of forcing himself on others, especially women, that he does not see the wisdom of staying six feet away from one another? Maybe his absurd need for crowds cheering their adulation for him has its beginnings in some vortex of self-esteem that sucked in his children one at a time until they had no chance but to repeat the same grotesque behavior. Huh?
Why can't anyone figure out that an epidemic that affects the lungs will create and epidemic's need for ventilators? Elon Musk made a big deal about donating ventilators to a world yearning to breathe free. Turns out that they were not ventilators but BPAP machines, the kind that people use to keep them from snoring. A guy who wants to run a reusable space ship line to Mars doesn't know the difference? Huh?
Why can't we use the most powerful tool created in the last one hundred years, by Al Gore, to spread important news that is correct? The Internet is currently full of a lot of conflicting information that only compounds the confusion and suffering, along with the occasional puppy video. The Center for Disease Control competes for bandwidth with all the other yakkity yak that purports to be news. And we are left to try to figure out when those big checks will come and how to make masks out of underwear and if those underwear masks will really help. Huh?
Why is Easter in the Spring and Christmas in December? Switching them around would allow us to anticipate the rebirth when things are at their darkest and the birth when everything is alive and blooming. Huh?

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