Saturday, March 14, 2020

This Town Is Comin' Like A Ghost Town

My wife brought home pictures from her trip to San Antonio showing a convention center that was deserted. Yes, there were many hearty souls who dared the restricted air space that has become our country, but not enough to fill what was known conventionally as a "convention." Presidential candidates, in the heat of a tightly contested run for the White House, are cancelling rallies. Gatherings of more than fifty people are being curtailed or switched to online presence as concern for everyone's health and safety mounts.
It's a difficult time to remain optimistic, even as our "president" stands in the middle of the metaphorical sidewalk like Chip Diller screaming, "All is well" at the top of his lungs. All is not well. And yet, our "president" is announcing more rallies to promote his campaign. This coming from a very stable genius who believes that COVID-19 is "their new hoax" and will just "go away." Don't hold your breath. Or maybe you should, especially if you're in a confined space with a herd of strangers.
I don't think I could hold my breath for an entire Pearl Jam concert. Which is why the band from Seattle postponed the first leg of their tour, including the April show that I had been lucky enough to score tickets well in advance. From their letter to fans: "We have and will always keep the safety and well-being of our supporters as top priority." This might be some sort of revelation for those of you who had not already assumed that these grunge pioneers lean to the Democratic side of things. Hard-leaning, if not toppling all the way over. 
Meanwhile, author of several apocalyptic novels, Stephen King has taken to social media to remind us all that he is not responsible for the coronavirus"It's not anywhere near as serious. It's eminently survivable. Keep calm and take all reasonable precautions." 
Sure Steve. That's what they want us to believe. The bad guys who are gathering in Las Vegas. The ones who got hold of your Twitter account. Sure. "It's only a story." 
It's just the flu. 
It'll go away. 
Be safe. 
All is well. 

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