Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Upside Of Down

Kids will play more violent video games.
Kids will read more books.
You can't buy toilet paper anywhere.
Dolphins are swimming in the canals of Venice.
We are stuck inside.
We will all read more books.
We feel isolated.
We have impossible capacities to connect.
Being inside is boring.
We could all stand to be a little bored now and again.
Social distance is difficult to enforce.
We'll all know how far six feet is.
Stuck in the house with the same person for weeks.
All those chances to fall in love again.
The air is full of germs.
The air is free from airplanes.
No more movies.
Lots more Netflix.
The fear of running out of food.
A chance to eat that can of Dinty Moore stew.
Time to worry.
Time to survive.
Like the man said:
It's the end of the world as we know it
and I feel fine.

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