Tuesday, March 03, 2020

That Guy

Timing is everything.
You can ask Preston Tucker about that.
But enough about history, for now. We'll have plenty of time to discuss the signs that we ignored before the coming apocalypse once the smoke clears. 
Currently, Fox News has a gentleman on their channel saying that "It's a shame that Dems and media are using the coronavirus to score political points against Trump." He continued to suggest that those bad people will try to "pin it to him like his Katrina moment and make it political." If you have forgotten about Katrina, it was a hurricane that destroyed a large portion of the Gulf Coast, centering on New Orleans. Again, I apologize for bringing up history, but this was a "moment" because thousands of Americans suffered and died as a result of poor planning and response by the Federal Government. And so here we are again, up against the wall with no hope but science on our side, and the guy who is complaining about the media and the Democratic Party being so mean is also the same guy who once insisted that “I inoculate myself. Germs are not a real thing. I can’t see them, therefore they’re not real.” 
Which was a joke, or what folks at Fox News would like us to believe is a joke. All of this sound and funny was in the wake of the insistence by the "president" that we (Americans) were in good shape because there had been, as yet, no deaths associated with the coronavirus. 
Whoops. On Saturday morning, the first death was confirmed in Washington state. Leaving a great big hole in the defense that has been mounted by the task force led by the Vice President of the United States, who a few years back wrote"Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn't kill." He's also the guy who, in response to Colin Powell's support and encouragement of condom use said"Frankly, condoms are a very, very poor protection against sexually transmitted diseases." He said Powell "may be inadvertently misleading millions of young people and endangering lives."
And yes, I know I have slipped back into that sad trend of making examples from history, and there really isn't any reason to believe that this is the group of guys who will make sense out of all this science and everything will be just fine. 
But there will be plenty of time for us survivors to discuss the administration's response to the pandemic as we shuffle through the wasteland, searching for the few remaining survivors and that last can of unopened beans.  

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