Saturday, February 01, 2020

In The Ballroom With A Lead Pipe

We are living in a world in which twelve seconds of cell phone video can, and has, changed lives. As an educator, I flinch every time those snippets of a teacher losing their composure and doing something that is instantly regrettable. This doesn't excuse the behavior. Not at all. What is missing is the world that brought them to that point. Social media does not have the bandwidth to carry all that around. What we tend to see is the moment when things go bad.
That is what Paula White is insisting about her one minute thirty second moment in the sun. For those of you unfamiliar with Ms. White, last year she officially joined the "president's" administration in the Office of Public Liaison to advise on the Faith and Opportunity Initiative, which seeks to provide religious groups a greater voice in government programs related to issues such as defending religious liberty. If you knew who she was, but managed to miss her widely viewed outburst, the moment everyone seems to be hanging on is her insistence that "In the name of Jesus, we command all satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now. We declare that anything that's been conceived in Satanic wombs, that it'll miscarry. It will not be able to carry forth any plan of destruction, any plan of harm." 
It was that call for satanic pregnancies to miscarry that ruffled feathers. As we might expect. Just as we might expect Ms. White to insist that viewers were missing her context. Her defense runs a little deep, but she was referring to a specific Bible passage, Ephesians 6:12. “I was praying Eph 6:12 that we wrestle not against flesh and blood,” she said. “Anything that has been conceived by demonic plans, for it to be canceled and not prevail in your life.” She went on: “Let’s be clear what is really going on. This is a disingenuous attempt to use words out of context for political gain. I will just keep praying!”
This is the "president's" personal pastor, and has been for years. It is no wonder that she would insist that she gave a "perfect" sermon, seeing as how her friend and former game show host insists that he made a "perfect phone call" to the Ukrainian president. All the reading I've done both transcripts has made both items all the more sinister and self-serving. 
I pick Mr. Orange and Ms. White in the White House without a Clue. 

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