Tuesday, February 04, 2020


It is a wonder that we don't feel crushed
every time we open our eyes.
The thoughts that are in our heads
all those visions and dreams
Out there in the world they diminished
smaller, duller, quieter.
Symphonies composed in our sleep
don't sound like much.
The colors that shone so bright
behind closed eyes
don't exist out where the clouds
often obscure the clouds.
Moving so slowly in the world defined
by gravity and equations.
I wish that I could build those houses
that appear in my mind.
There is more than enough room
inside our heads
to get things done, to create and expand
to fill the rooms we imagine.
I can play guitar, and not just pretend
I can hit all the notes.
When I open my eyes I lose that magic
I can't sing and I can't dance.
But there is one thing that doesn't disappoint
when I open my eyes
All of those imaginary kingdoms and compositions
can be forgotten when I see you.

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