Monday, January 20, 2020


We have been warned.
The "president" has said, via a quote from Pastor Robert Jeffress, "If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.”
Of course, you don't have to believe me. Or the "president." But maybe you will believe Major League Baseball umpire Rob Drake. Rob tweeted back in October  that he planned to buy an AR-15 "because if you impeach MY PRESIDENT this way, YOU WILL HAVE ANOTHER CIVAL WAR!!! #MAGA2020." Bad news on that one, ump. Strike one on the spelling. Strike two on the impeachment thing. 
Sticking with the boys of summer for a moment, back in November former San Francisco Giant letting us know that he was “Getting my boys trained up on how to use a gun in the unlikely event @BernieSanders beats @realDonaldTrump in 2020. In which case knowing how to effectively use a gun under socialism will be a must. By the way most the head shots were theirs.” The proud poppa even tagged the National Rifle Association in case he full intent wasn't clear. 
We live in troubled times
Last week The FBI has arrested suspected members of a neo-Nazi group who were armed and anticipating a race war, one of whom was a missing ex-Canadian soldier who allegedly snuck into the United States. This puts a fairly ironic twist on that whole illegal immigration thing, doesn't it? Three men connected to the extremist hate group known as The Base were taken into custody in anticipation of trouble expected at a gun-rights rally in Richmond, Virginia. The members of The Base see themselves as “accelerationist group that encourages the onset (of) anarchy and so it can then ‘impose order from chaos.’” Their inspiration comes from the book Siege by neo-Nazi James Mason. Not the drunk in the Judy Garland A Star Is Born. The James Mason we're talking about here is the guy who sees the work of Charles Manson as an inspiration. 
We live in troubled times
I encourage you all to be a light that shines in the darkness. It's getting scary out there. 

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