Saturday, January 18, 2020

Nom De Nation

Stephen King, the author not the wingding Representative from Iowa, got himself in a little social media hot water the other day. After the nominations had been announced for this year's Academy Awards, some took exception to the lack of diversity among them. Stephen King, the author, was not one of those voices. Instead, he tweeted, "As a writer, I am allowed to nominate in just 3 categories: Best Picture, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Original Screenplay. For me, the diversity issue -- as it applies to individual actors and directors, anyway -- did not come up. That said... I would never consider diversity in matters of art. Only quality. It seems to me that to do otherwise would be wrong," This unleashed a second wave of disapproval, this time focused squarely on the author, not the wingding Representative from Iowa. Most of it was polite, but to the point: "With the utmost respect, I think this is quite a bit unfair. When films created by people of color, irrespective of quality, constantly get overlooked by institutions that are predominately comprised of white men, there is an implicit bias at work here,"replied ZORA senior editor Morgan Jerkins. There were other less polite responses, but most of them were in the vein of "we thought you were one of the good guys."
Mister King, not Representative King, took a step back and replied, "The most important thing we can do as artists and creative people is make sure everyone has the same fair shot, regardless of sex, color or orientation. Right now such people are badly under-represented, and not only in the arts. You can't win awards if you're shut out of the game."
So there it is. Problem solved.
At least where Stephen King is concerned. The author, not the wingding. On social media. For the moment. There is an asterisk in many of the categories this year. Like the one that goes next to Antonio Banderas in the Best Actor category. Not a white guy. On the Best Picture slate, there is Parasite, which is a South Korean film, and Little Women which is a movie about little women directed by a little woman. Who did not receive a nomination for Best Director. Bong Joon Ho, who is not a white guy, did. For the aforementioned Parasite. 
Stephen King, the author nor the wingding Representative from Iowa, was shut out. Maybe it's just me, but I think there should be more wingdings represented at the Oscars. 

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