Tuesday, November 26, 2019


I want nothing.
I want nothing.
I want no quid pro quo.
Tell Zellinsky to do the right thing. 
This is the final word from the Pres of the U.S.
Some have suggested that this sounds like a song by Morrissey. Others maintain it's more like the Ramones. And yet, it comes form one of the least musical human beings on the planet. Our "president" made these notes before going out to holler at the press as his response to the week's impeachment testimony. A handwriting expert suggested that the scrawl exhibited "the sign of a liar."
Just that first line: "I want nothing." It is difficult to imagine any phrase being less true of this man. This person who seeks to amass wealth and fame in buckets regardless of the source wants "nothing?" The guy who sat in a room while someone wrote a book for him called "The Art of the Deal" wants nothing? The sociopath who once insisted "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay? It’s like incredible." 
He's a real estate developer. 
He's a game show host. 
He wants nothing. 
I get the "no quid pro quo" thing, not that he has any idea what it means. It's Latin, after all, and by all accounts this was not nor does he continue to be any kind of scholar. A word like "anonymous" is enough to give him fits. He makes up countries. He doesn't like it when people correct him, or try to coach him, so chances are he has latched onto that phrase and repeated it in order to sound smart. We are not in any imminent danger of that happening
And then there's that last line: This is the last word from the Pres of the U.S.
If only.
Nothing would be a pleasant change. 

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