Monday, November 04, 2019

Bye Bye Bye

"1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the White House, is the place I have come to love and will stay for, hopefully, another 5 years as we MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, but my family and I will be making Palm Beach, Florida, our Permanent Residence. I cherish New York, and the people of New York, and always will, but unfortunately, despite the fact that I pay millions of dollars in city, state and local taxes each year, I have been treated very badly by the political leaders of both the city and state. Few have been treated worse. I hated having to make this decision, but in the end it will be best for all concerned. As President, I will always be there to help New York and the great people of New York. It will always have a special place in my heart!"
These were the words that the "president" used to announce his departure from the city that never sleeps, the Big Apple, Gotham, the City So Nice They Named It Twice. Another funny nickname for New York City might be "The City That Pays Millions In Overtime To Its Police Force To Provide Security For The Potted Plant POTUS." There won't be a lot of tears shed over this in Manhattan. “Good riddance,” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo tweeted. “It’s not like Mr. Trump paid taxes here anyway. He’s all yours, Florida.”
Seeking a cocoon where he can crawl, where no one will talk back to him, this slug who will never turn into a butterfly hopes to find refuge. Near a golf course, of course. Far away from baseball stadiums. And about that "millions of dollars in city, state, and local taxes," well, we probably won't ever really know because there seems to be some sort of holdup on viewing his tax returns. Speaking of taxation, Florida does not have a state income tax or inheritance tax, which has the Trump offspring salivating. More than usual. 
So, if you were hoping to spend a weekend in the Empire City, reading all the books in the Trump Library, you may need to rethink your plans. Instead, you could take a tour of all the businesses the "president" rode into bankruptcy. Fun for the whole family!

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