Sunday, September 22, 2019

Teacher In Charge

After twenty-three years on one site, I like to kid folks about how I "know where the bodies are buried." Maybe that's why I get a key that unlocks most of the doors in the school. Most of them. That would be the line between me and our Admin Assistant or our custodian. That doesn't mean that, in a pinch, I will be declared "Teacher in Charge." A distinction that is not lost on me is the way they put the "Teacher" out in front. No one would make the mistake of thinking I was "Principal For The Day." Not when I have all that fun sitting out in front of me in addition to the tough decisions that come with being "in charge."
Here's the reality: It takes a village. A dedicated, hard-working village full of committed individuals all doing their job and a little extra. That's on days when our principal is there, doing her job and a whole lot more herself. On the days she if off the campus, and I am handled this somewhat awkward sobriquet, I hope that all the hard work that has been done in the days leading up pay off in ways that make the whole escapade painless. Or less painful.
There will be those students who sense a disturbance in the force and attempt to find holes in the metaphorical fence. And the actual fence, for that matter. There will be those that look once again over their shoulder to see if anyone is watching as they go to the bathroom for one of their pre-adolescent cabals. What they don't know is that the Teacher in Charge is watching. Waiting. Taking note. Not unlike when Andy Taylor had to drive into Mount Pilot and left Barney Fife in charge.
Apologies for that reference if you are under fifty.
But just like Mayberry, order will always be maintained by the community at large. All my efforts will be combined with those of the previously mentioned dedicated staff. The collective wisdom and experience of all those people shine a little brighter for those hours during which there is no principal. Because nothing happens in a vacuum. Except things suck. But only in an effort to make things clean.
Apologies for that metaphor. It may have gone astray.
This is why my key doesn't unlock everything. I have to ask permission for analogies.

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