Friday, September 13, 2019

None Of Your Business

Let's say, for the sake of this piece, that you're an innkeeper.
A group of men show up and sign in on the register. They say they're just in town for an evening, and will be leaving in the morning. Smiles across the board. They even pay with a company credit card. Extra towels are on the rack in the bathroom, and additional pillows are in the closet along with a comforter if any of them get a chill in the middle of the night. Thanks so much and we hope you have a pleasant stay.
A week later, investigators turn up, wanting to know particulars about these men. Apparently there was some funny business about the payment and they would like to know how these gentlemen came to stay at the inn. You, as the innkeeper shrugs your shoulders and announces this "has nothing to do with me." Except it does. It has everything to do with you because your name is plastered all over the building and the sheets and the tiny bottles of shampoo. This is your business because it is literally your business.
This was the defense mounted by the "president" after reports of an Air Force plane flying through Scotland parked just down the way from one of his resorts in Scotland, and its crew stopped for a night at the Trump Turnberry resort both on their way to and from dropping off supplies in the Middle East. And paying the luxury rates. Interesting side note: This property lost four and a half million dollars in 2017, but revenue went up three million dollars in 2018.
Some might call this "conflict of interest."
Our "president" calls it none of his business.
Just like he had nothing to do with his "vice president" staying the weekend at one of his hotels in Ireland while on a state visit there. Except all the vp's meetings were in Dublin. One hundred eighty miles away from the golf resort owned by a "Donald Trump" in Doonbeg. The innkeeper in question says he had "nothing to do" with that decision. Even though he owns the place and he is the boss of Mike Pence. 
So, on a heap of burning tires, we toss this latest bit of filth. Not that it will garner much notice, since the whole thing is one hot mess. But maybe it's time to call it what it is: Trump's Business. 

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