Saturday, September 28, 2019

Moving Forward

I have lived through a presidential impeachment. A sitting American President was brought up on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice. At last, many suggested, this man's philandering caught up with him.
I am, of course, referring to William Jefferson Clinton. The forty-second president became the second, after Andrew Jackson to be impeached. Richard Nixon's impeachment never fully got off the ground as he resigned before he could be removed. No sitting American President has ever been removed from office after having been impeached.
Not yet.
On Tuesday, September 24 2019, House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi announced that formal impeachment inquiries would begin. This was after being poked and prodded by those in her own party for years now, the mountain has come to Mohammed. The mountain in the form of the pile of evidence, corruption and arrogance that has suggested that the current "president" is somehow above the law. Mohammed would be Speaker Pelosi. 
The straw, to borrow from another metaphor, would seem to be the negotiation the current resident of the White House had recently with the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskiy. His Trumpishness wanted to know why that country’s top prosecutor apparently had ended an investigation of the business dealings of Joe Biden’s son, who served on the board of a Ukrainian gas company. Slide that inquiry up next to the withholding of U.S. aid to the Ukraine, and you've got a pretty nice snot bubble of political corruption. 
Not that this was or continues to be the point of the sword. There have been numerous similar glaring bits of malfeasance and wrongdoing straight along, making the Ken Starr report look like the National Enquirer piece it was always set up to be. Bill Clinton was embarrassed by his own selfish acts and libido. That emotion will not play a part in these current proceedings. Instead, we can only assume that there will be a lot of spittle and bile hurled about the Oval Office even as the security detail comes to carry him out. 
Or not. 
This is just the beginning of a long and twisted road. Hopefully it will start to straighten out as we move ahead. 

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