Wednesday, August 21, 2019


I am certain that I could never have seen the movie Blinded By The Light in anything that might have been interpreted as an objective way. It tells the story of a Bruce Springsteen-obsessedPakistani teenager growing up in Britain during the Thatcher years. The words and music of The Boss help him sort out his life and give him a vision of the future.
Over my desk there is a small frame. Inside that frame is a piece of paper upon which my wife printed the lyrics, "It ain't no sin to be glad you're alive." A line from the Bruce Springsteen song "Badlands." It remains a guiding light for me. Along with most every other set of words he has put together over the years.
Because I'm a fan. Short for fanatic. Not the "I've seen him one hundred fifty times." Or "I've had my picture taken on the front porch of his childhood home." I am the kind of fan who makes an effort to see all the shows that are within driving distance from my house. I like to take other people with me. That allows me to show off my encyclopedic knowledge of those words and music which I spoke of earlier. A friend of mine commented on one of those occasions, "I think this is what it's like to go to church with Dave."
That kind of fanatic.
When there's a new album, I buy it. I tend to send a copy to my mother so she won't feel left out. My wife understands that this new music will be in heavy rotation for a while until it becomes part of the firmament. She also understands that each show will require the purchase of a new T-shirt. For me and for her.
I am a public school teacher. I am a Bruce Springsteen fan. I am a father. On the night before my son was supposed to start his state-mandated testing, I took him to see Bruce. We were out late. On a school night. Before state testing. He got into the college of his choice. And it was a great show.
My son was brought into this world to the strains of "Born To Run." About once a year I think about the song "Living Proof," as it tells the story of the birth of Bruce's son. It has become the story of the birth of my own son.
So, there's this movie about how a British teenager becomes obsessed with Bruce Springsteen. I think you would enjoy it.
I know I did.

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