Thursday, July 18, 2019

Toss Me That Wooden Stake

Racism isn't dead.
It's a vampire that feeds on hate and fear, and just like the monsters from all those Universal movies in the thirties and forties, if there is any chance of making a profit they'll be back in a sequel.
So let's start with some basics: Nobody wants to admit they're a vampire. It's a pretty well-kept secret, since there's always some doctor or villager who knows what to do with a wooden stake. And yet, while bodies keep showing up around town with suspicious dual puncture wounds in their necks, and the lady of the manor is wandering around pale and listless, no one seems anxious to pull the Vampire Alarm.
It's unthinkable in this day and age that the undead would walk the earth in search of new victims to maim and kill. Even worse that those same members of the undead would seek to enlist still more into their crew. Who wouldn't want to live forever, after all? Of course this does mean that you give up a big chunk of your free will and you need to sleep in a box while the sun is out, but that doesn't seem so bad, does it?
Unless you start to figure in the human cost of staying alive like that. You have to kill others to keep going. To be clear, I'm not talking about the revisionist Twilight vampires whose tastes would primarily to animals, though they still belong to that same club in a pinch. They suck the blood out of things for love. They're just misunderstood.
Go ahead and ask someone if they know any vampires. Of course they don't. This might be because they don't know any vampires. Or they don't know if anyone they know is a vampire. Or maybe they don't want to admit that they know any vampires because it might make you think that they are vampires too. Or maybe they're vampires.
So let's return to those Twilight-type bloodsuckers. If there was a race of people that subsisted on animal blood alone and they weren't occasionally interested in using their razor sharp teeth to inflict pain and suffering on other people, it would be akin to my own predilection for cheeseburgers. If occasionally I needed to supplement my diet with a little human flesh, that wouldn't be okay. That would be cannibalism. That would be wrong.
Vampirism is wrong. It should not be tolerated, and anyone who suggests that vampirism isn't a problem hasn't had their neck bitten lately. Which doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Racism isn't dead. It's undead.

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