Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Button, Button, Who's Got The Button?

I don't think this particular angle gets the attention it deserves: Donald "Jay" Trump has access to "the button." Not the big red Help button next to the potty in the White House. I mean he is the guy in charge of the United States' nuclear weapons.
The same guy who has been photographed chumming it up with dictators from North Korea and Russia in recent weeks is the same guy who can launch ICBMs when that idea flutters lightly into his vast and echoing cranial cavity. Much in the same way that he can, in a fit of pique, impost tariffs on countries with whom he has a bone to pick, "The President" could get really mad at Monaco someday, perhaps because they didn't invite him to the Grand Prix, and his legendary if not absurd temper tantrum could include multiple warheads.
I imagine that he has already been talked off that particular cliff any number of times since he became "Commander in Chief."
No, Mister President. You can't launch a tactical nuclear strike on The Washington Post.
No sir, it wouldn't be a good idea to "turn the Democratic debate stage into a sheet of glass."
Sorry your excellency, but we have not as yet developed a weapon that will kill everyone not wearing a red baseball cap.
And so on.
The good news here is that there is a chain of command, and even if that bathroom button just happened to be mistaken for "the button," it's not a one-man job. While the ultimate decision to use nuclear weapons is still in the hands of "The President," he is not carrying around an app on his phone with which he can bring on Armageddon. He would have to talk to people, some of whom may or may not have surrendered their common sense or free will. They can try to persuade "The President" there are still a lot of pretty girls in California and maybe we should give them a chance to Make America Great Again. Unless they run for Senate, and then all bets are off. And may god have mercy on their souls.
So, sorry about that if you had just ratcheted down your feelings for the current resident of the White (and boy do I mean White) House to simple disgust. If this brings an element of fear back to the game, then maybe this will inspire some sort of action beyond a dismayed roll of the eyes.
Be afraid, America. Be very afraid.
And sleep tight.

1 comment:

  1. Let's not sleep. Let's stay up and make some NOIXS
