Sunday, April 28, 2019

Healthy Habits

And now suddenly it is recommended. By a nutritionist. A scientist who makes her living telling us what is healthy and what is not have declared that pizza is a healthier breakfast than cereal. If you find yourself racing to the refrigerator the morning after as I have in my past, you probably have something boxed or wrapped in foil that may at some point within the last twenty-four to forty-eight hours been described as "pizza," congratulations. Vindication. Felicitations. 
But what does the science really say? Chelsey Amer, MS, RDN, CDN from New York with a bunch of meaningful letters after her name reminds us that your average breakfast cereal is packed with sugar and is probably not your best nutritional bet when it comes to breaking your overnight fast. A link on her web page asks the leading question, "Are you totally confused about what to eat? Well, Chels, I wasn't until just very recently. I figured I could have my raisin bran and eat it too, shoveling spoonful after spoonful in to my waking face as I pore over the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly. Why wouldn't that be the way to go? 
All that sugar and zero healthy fats. If you're as perplexed as I continue to be about discerning healthy fat from its evil twin, pleas form a line to the right. Pizza has more protein than a typical bowl of cereal, so it can satisfy your appetite for longer and prevent snacking between meals. 
You knew this was coming, right?
You shouldn't start banging on the door of your nearest Little Caesars  at six in the morning demanding your pizza, pizza. MSRDNCDN Amer would like us to remember instead that you should try a truly nutritious way to start the day, try Greek yogurt with fruit, with that score of a calcium and protein boost, or oatmeal with cinnamon and fruit, which offers fiber and antioxidants. And this is where I find myself wondering: hey, isn't oatmeal cereal? Hot cereal to be sure, but cereal, right? 
The story was really leading us in the first place. Like back in high school when my semantics teacher used to tell us that eating the box in which Kix was found was healthier than consuming its contents. This was the same teacher who reminded us that Taco Bell had some scary connections with dog food companies. All of which circles back to the reality in which eating pizza for breakfast or Taco Bell ever suggests a lifestyle that does not have nutrition at its center. 
I took the time to tell you about this?

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