Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Looking Ahead

What do I want to see in the New Year?
I want to see through
as in transparent
I want the truth
because I can handle it
I want to see the world
take a collective breath
and think for just a moment
before we strike
I want to see walls
not erected, but tumbled
an unobstructed view
for miles and miles
I want to see the sky
and just the sky
not all those things
we put into it
I want to see money
going where it's needed
not into pockets of those
who don't need it at all
I want to see a year
that I can hold onto
and not be embarrassed
to be seen in
I want to see the ends
of so very many things
to make room for
things that need to be
I want to see the stars
and know that my son
will be able to show
his kids the same sky
I want to see something new
I want to see sanity
I want to see clarity
I want to see the future.

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