Wednesday, September 26, 2018

When I Was Seventeen

10/1/1979 - Study for Biology Quiz - Talk to Sally
10/2/1979 - Check out new Police album "Regatta De Blanc" - Talk to Sally
10/3/1979 - Band practice after school - buy spark plugs - Talk to Sally
10/4/1979 - Grapes of Wrath Quiz - Get Sally's #
10/5/1979 - Football @ Home/Cherry Creek - Happy Joe's - Call Sally
10/6/1979 - Music lesson - Drive by Sally's house
10/7/1979 - Help in yard - hangout with Jay - Does he know Sally's brother?
10/8/1979 - Computer Lab before school - talk to Sally's brother
10/9/1979 - Talk to counselor about switching Algebra - What section is Sally in?
10/10/1979 - Band practice after school - Try talking to Ann
10/11/1979 - Algebra quiz - study for Biology - Call Ann
10/12/1979 - Football game - Drive to Westminster with Jay and Ann(?)
10/13/1979 - Music lesson - Stop by Ann's house
10/14/1979 - Ann's house for bake sale prep - Buy cookies
10/15/1979 - Bring $10 for uniform cleaning - Drive Ann home
10/16/1979 - Check with Brad - Sally broke up with Dan?
10/17/1979 - Band practice after school - Call Dan
10/18/1979 - Buy Homecoming Tickets - dinner at Ann's house(?)
10/19/1979 - Football @ Home/Aurora Central - Happy Joe's w/Ann
10/20/1979 - Music lesson - Bake sale
10/21/1979 - Call Ann - Already asked Sally to Dance?
10/22/1979 - Dan for breakfast - Ask Sally to Homecoming?
10/23/1979 - New shoes for dance? - Call Sally re: Homecoming
10/24/1979 - Band practice after school - Go by Sally's house
10/25/1979 - Pop Lit. Test - Read Cliff's Notes - Check with Dan
10/26/1979 - Football Game - take Sally
10/27/1979 - Music lesson - Wash car - buy Corsage - Dance
10/28/1979 - Call Ann - Thanks for last minute change
10/29/1979 - Call Dan - Thanks for nothing
10/30/1979 - Drop Algebra - Pick up Selected Topics in Math
10/31/1979 - Band practice after school - Call Shelly

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