Monday, July 09, 2018

Hits And Misses

I miss Steve Page. Well, I know what Steve is up to. He's even going to be in the neighborhood this coming November. If you don't know Steven Page, he's a Canadian singer and songwriter who used to be in Barenaked Ladies. they are a Canadian folk-rock band that was recently inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame. Still drawing a blank? Well, you've probably watched an episode of The Big Bang Theory, and therefore you have heard one of their songs. They wrote the theme. And sang it. And they tend to play it at their concerts.
I know this because I am a fan. I have been ever since I heard their song "If I Had A Million Dollars" way back in 1994. Finding their mix of humor and musicianship of the highest quality, I sought out more and more of what they had to offer. I tend to do this with bands. I find a song and then spend weeks months years pursuing their creative output until it dries up. Or goes away. Or something else happened.
Like Steven Page left the band. Or was asked to leave. Depending on the account you choose to pursue. Suffice it to say that Mister Page's behavior was, at one point, hard to reconcile with the feel-good silliness that Barenaked Ladies had to offer. Which was a shame at the time and continues to be, since I haven't found myself actively searching out the new album or looking for tickets to their latest tour for some time now.
Which causes us all to wonder, "Does one person make a band?" If you were to ask Sting, for example, he might say yes. Different groups have survived changes in personnel over the course of their history. The Rolling Stones have had their share of turnover, but if Mick and Keith ever call it a day, then they may cease to rock. Mike Nesmith seems to be able to wander in and out of whatever group of Monkees decide to tour, but the odds are against there being an "official reunion" without all four showing up. Thanks, Davy
Am I suggesting that it would be better if Steven Page had gone to folk rock heaven than resigning in disgrace?
I don't know. Maybe I am. As a selfish person, I wish that things could have continued in the way they had forever, and I would be listening to their new album with Steve in tow, and looking forward to seats in the theater when they come to my town again.
Or maybe that isn't the way these things are supposed to go. Paul McCartney continues to pack stadiums as a solo act forty-eight years after his little group broke up. And if I want to see Steven Page sing, I still can.
So could I please stop whining now?

1 comment:

  1. If I had a million dollars, I'd take all our friends!
