Friday, July 13, 2018

Don't Judge

I am hopelessly naive. I thought that fair is fair, right is right and wrong is wrong. I understand that sometimes we find ourselves driving out of these well-worn ruts and into a bog of uncertainty. This is why we have a legal system. You have the right to an attorney, should you so choose, to defend you. This is especially when things are not exactly as they seem. You want to get someone like Jimmy Stewart or Henry Fonda to represent you if this is the case, since what we are all after here is justice. Which brings me to the Supreme Court.
If you have argued that your right to wearing a red shirt is being infringed upon by your employer, and your employer is Best Buy and they want you to wear the uniform and that's that, it doesn't have to be. Because you can take them to court. If that court doesn't uphold your right to red-shirtness, then you can appeal to a higher court. And this appeal process continues until all the wisdom and experience available can be brought to bear on this question. Even if the matter has to go all the way to the Supreme Court.
And what happens if the Justices on the Supreme Court don't rule in favor of your tweak to the dress code of your employer? Well, you can continue to bash away at this process until you run out of money, time or interest. Probably more that first part, since it would seem that justice can be a rather expensive proposition. Which is why you don't tend to take trivial matters like Best Buy's dress code to the Supreme Court in the first place.
But if you have enough money, time and interest, you can continue to find ways to make cracks in the decisions made by any judge. Interesting to note that once you find yourself, as a judge, ruling on the Supreme Court, you get to change your name to "Justice." That's how good a judge you are. You are wise enough to know that there are legal precedents that say that an employer can force their employees to wear blue polo shirts as a condition of employment. They have studied and studied and continue to study to be certain that the decisions they make are fair.
So why should it matter if the Justices are liberal or conservative? It is their job to interpret the laws of our land based on the bedrock of our legal system, The Constitution. Maybe the clue can be found in that word, "interpret." I like the idea that laws are black and white and yes and no and up or down. Left and right seems to play a bigger factor than I am comfortable. Especially if you have enough money and time to keep bashing away at those pillars of conduct we are all supposed to follow.
And you know what else? Those Justices are appointed for life. Or until they get tired of sitting there in their black robes, all full of wisdom and experience. Not like judges in your local courts that can be voted out because they don't dispense justice the way we see fit. If somebody shows up on the Supreme Court at the tender age of fifty-something, they could be interpreting the Constitution for decades. So that one opinion could keep you in a blue shirt for a good long time.
Or something much more important. 

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