Friday, May 11, 2018


Around the time my son was born, my wife introduced me to some software she had acquired that would help us, as new parents, set our affairs in order. Wills, trusts, and that sort of thing. But what caught my interest immediately was the part where you could plan your own memorial service. The part where I got to pick the music was the thing that appealed to me most. There were other features, including inscriptions for plaques or headstones, but there was not a form into which I could type a guest list.
In case anybody asks, I don't want Donald Trump at my funeral either.
Not that this will create the kind of fuss that John McCain made by making that same assertion a few days back. The senator from Arizona has been reported to have made this addendum to his future plans, and it certainly makes sense to me. These are not men who have enjoyed much in the way of even workplace friendship. It was the current "President" who said of the Vietnam vet and former prisoner of war that he preferred to associate with "people who weren't captured." 
That sort of sums up the level of discourse shared between these two men, with Senator McCain tending to stick to the more business-like high road, and our "President" relying primarily on hist usual snarkiness to convey his points. When he was just a candidate, Donald "Chester" Trump was openly critical of the senator's stance on immigration. Back in June of 2015, he declared to a crowd, “We have incompetent politicians, not only the president. I mean, right here, in your own state, you have John McCain.” In response, McCain told The New Yorker that what Trump did at his rally had “fired up the crazies.” It was a month later that the incipient "President" said of McCain, “He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured.”
Tensions mounted, and John McCain refused to attend the Republican National Convention to witness the coronation of a bloated bag of snack food. Once that bloated bag of snack food was sworn into office, the senator did not make his job any easier, by casting his votes to strategically let air out of such issues as health care and trade. 
For the record, I hope that John McCain lives a long and happy life, long enough to dance on the legacy of that bloated bag of snack food. I hope I get invited to that party. 

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