Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Unsatisfactory Resolution

I understand how romantic the thought of resolving a problem with guns can be. Bruce Willis has made a career out of it. So much so that in one particular installment of the Die Hard series, his computer hacker partner, played by Justin Long, is awestruck when Bruce's Detective John McClane "kills a helicopter with a car." To which a rough and tumbled McClane replies, "I was out of bullets." Over the course of five films, Bruce has amassed seventy-three confirmed on-screen kills. Most of them with a gun. Is it little wonder that once Hollywood decided to reboot the Death Wish franchise that they looked to Mister Willis to take over for Charles Bronson? In our time, revenge is not a dish best served cold. It's served with hot lead.
Which brings me to another tangent. The relative satisfaction of punching someone in the nose. There are plenty of movie moments that end with someone getting bopped in the schnozz. The bopped tend to fall in a heap, and the bopper squares his or her shoulders and walks away with a sly grin as others look on impressed. Not as impressed as they might have been if the bopper had launched a car into their antagonist's face, but impressed nonetheless. A somewhat recent addition to this scenario has the bopper shaking his or her hand as they walk away, giving some veracity to the notion that human beings are not rubber bags but dense bags of flesh and bone that have much more resistance in real life. Dropping someone with one punch is a pretty unlikely scenario, with the reality making it much more likely that the assaulted party would most likely choose to hit back. The surrounding crowd would, most likely cheer for the continuation of the fight, not its abrupt end. 
All of this to land in the Wild West, where a Colorado man, Michael Kourosh Sadeghi,  recently shot his neighbor, Dustin Schmidt, in the head five times because he believed Schmidt was abusing Schmidt's dog. The circumstances are currently being unwound, but it seems as though the dog had been leaping aggressively into Sadeghi's yard, which prompted Schmidt to install a higher fence, and when the tied up dog jumped the fence, and was hanging by its collar, Sadeghi chose to take matters into his own hands. By killing his neighbor. 
With a gun. 
I would not expect that a fistfight between the two of them would have settled the matter, but a sore hand and assault charges would have been a problem that would have left at least one more person alive to solve the problem with the dog. 

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