Friday, March 23, 2018

Dream Deal

I am imagining our "President" sitting in the Oval Office, arms crossed, lower lip out, waiting with the tiniest sliver of patience for Democrats to show up to make a deal on DACA. You remember DACA, don't you? Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals? The program that was going to be shut down on the fifth of March? The fifth of March this year?
According to the "President," Democrats are not beating a path to his door to beg for assistance on this issue since presently every court that has heard arguments about DACA has ruled in its favor. That means March fifth came and went without the clap of thunder that his orangeness had suggested and the hundreds of thousands of those protected by this program will continue to live and breathe free without the fear of deportation.
Except they will.
Each time another prosecutor files suit, or another state proclaims its sovereignty and intent to deny the Dreamers any or all of their protected rights, things get dicey. It would be nice if any of the decisions handed down by the United States Supreme Court would be sufficient for everyone to stop and go looking for a new bone upon which to gnaw. Like this week, when the justices ruled against Arizona, who had been refusing to issue drivers licenses to Dreamers. Arizona's Attorney General, Mark Brnovich, had this to say: "Our case has always been about more than just driver's licenses. It's about the separation of powers and whether the president, any president, can unilaterally act and bypass Congress to create new laws." 
Mister Brnovich was obviously disappointed by the high court's ruling, but he seemed to be dancing on the edge of another reality: Why would it be okay for a president, any president, to unilaterally act to bypass Congress and eliminate a law that is already in place? 
Like the rest of the universe, the only constant is change, but still the Road Cone in Chief is still sitting there, pouting in his office, completely willing to make a deal. Maybe somebody should tell him about the art of making a deal. 

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