Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Across The Table

Looking across the table
remembering all the other times
we sat right here
Talking about the old times
laughing and crying about the way
things used to be
But mostly laughing because
after all these years that is the way
life looks to us
It's funny to think about
how close we came to missing
that chance, that one
What would life be like
if we had not met: once, twice
or made another choice
All those flowers sent
letters written, poems recited
to convince, assure
It took some convincing
and some intense negotiations
right up to today
Keeping track of all those things
that we share that we keep that we have made
bring us back here
To the beginning
To the center
To the heart
That's where my home is
That's where you and I live
Thank you for making room
Thank you for allowing me a spot
in your heart

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