Monday, December 25, 2017

Waiting For The Light

I can't help
but reach for the switch
the switch that
will bring light to this room
If feels like
it has been dark too long
I don't work
in this prolonged night
What I know
what I have to believe
Is morning
will be here very soon
When it comes
we will see things clearly
The way now
seems far too perilous
Why go out
if you can't come back?
But I know
the answer is simple
I have cursed
this darkness many times
I have been
afraid to venture out
there is a light in us all
It shines bright
when we need it most
There will be
light and laughter and song
We will dance
together in the light
Because this
is not over by a long shot
Inner light
will keep us warm and brave
It will help
us all to find the way

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