Tuesday, December 05, 2017

How Long?

"I am not a crook." Those were the words of Richard Nixon back in 1973. If you're a student of history or maybe just an American over the age of forty, you might remember that  it turned out that Richard Nixon really was a crook, and in spite of his assertions otherwise, he had been for some time before he made that little speech. He left the Oval Office in disgrace just a few months later. He was just a couple years into his second term after being elected in a landslide victory over liberal Democrat, George McGovern.
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Those were the words of Bill Clinton back in 1998. If you are a student of history or just an American over the age of twenty, you might remember that it turned out that Bill Clinton had in spite of his assertions otherwise, had sexual relations with that woman and had for some time before he made that  little speech. He left the Oval Office with a curiously high approval rating. He was just a couple years into his second term after being elected in a landslide victory over conservative Republican, Bob Dole.
Welcome to 2017, where we have a "President" who was elected in a landslide victory of the liberal Democrat who happened to be the cuckolded wife Bill Clinton. He doesn't tend to make speeches as much as pronouncements, and tweets. Historians may have had an amusing time dealing with the social media of former presidents Nixon and Clinton, but hindsight allows us to settle into a narrative that becomes history. It's part of a process.
My wife had a button with a picture of Bill Clinton as a hippie, with his hippie wife Hillary that bore the legend, "My President." She does not own a button with a hippie Richard and Pat Nixon that says, "My President." The discussion about to whom the current "President" belongs stops abruptly because "our President" continues to be Barack Obama. Barack Obama was elected in a landslide for his second term, and he managed to maintain an approval rating that dipped below fifty percent just a couple times over the course of eight years. This was the guy who won the Democratic nomination for president over his rival Hillary Clinton, the cuckolded wife of Bill. Who was impeached. Richard Nixon was not. He resigned just ahead of that.
As for the current "President?" Sexual misconduct allegations as well as all manner of political malfeasance swirl around his first term in office, while the rest of the planet seems to stare at us in wonder. How long will this one last? 

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