Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Forgive me, but this may take a while. This idea of "Year In Review" intimidates me more this year than it has in quite some time. Back when George W. landed us in a war on two fronts to start this century, it felt as though we might be experiencing end times. Karl Rove certainly played the part of the Emperor well and Dick "Dick" Cheney was Darth Vader straight out of central casting. But to extend this metaphor just a little more into nerd territory, what kept us slipping off the edge was the glimmer of good that twinkled somewhere deep inside the President back then. The full force of evil was abated by this guy who turned out to be a painter who really did believe he was doing right by his family and his country.
That is not the sense I get from the current administration. At each turn, I feel as though the stupidity doubles down with wicked and we end up with the worst case scenario for all concerned. Except for the "President" himself. Dumb and ruthless is a pretty nasty combination. As fear and anger spreads across the land, I continue to hope that there is enough elasticity in this republic to contain all the frustration contained within our borders. I also wonder if there is enough forgiveness based on our past deeds to those outside to get us past this "rough patch."
Closing borders and threats of nuclear war get lost amid the daily barrage of lies and excuses for what is happening here. They stock market climbs to record heights, and the level of homelessness increased for the first time in seven years. While the "President" carries on with his wealthy pals at his private golf club, crowing about how "You all just got a lot richer!" Meanwhile, my school district is cutting jobs and services. I don't feel any richer.
I know that I should rejoice anytime the federal government gives me anything back, but I understand that there is no free lunch. The free lunch at my school is paid for by someone, and if that money goes away, so will the lunch. None of which will matter if California is bombed into a sheet of glass by the North Koreans in their bid to prove their might in the face of relentless teasing from our head of state.
At this point it seems prudent to both light a candle and curse the darkness, since there is so very much of it. I also want to wring ever last drop of joy out of every positive experience I stumble into in the coming year, since the challenge of being happy continues to challenge us all. Every day above ground is a good one. Every sunset holds the promise of a new dawn. Every day that passes brings us closer to the end of Donald Trump's presidency.

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