Thursday, December 07, 2017

Don't Ask, Don't - Wait - What Was The Question Again?

So, here's an interesting thing: The number of waivers granted by the active-duty Army for marijuana use jumped to more than five hundred this year from one hundred ninety-one in 2016. Three years ago, no such waivers were granted. I don't understand statistics very well, but that may be how you get those wacky numbers like "a five hundred percent increase." 
The reason for all of this paperwork centers around the need to fill the ranks of an all-volunteer armed forces.  Head of the Army's recruiting command  Major General Jeff Snow said, "Provided they understand that they cannot do that when they serve in the military, I will waive that all day long." Major General Jeff is under orders to expand the Army's size, and if means looking the other way or filling out a note that says "that was then, this is now," so be it.
As long as you promise not to smoke dope once you are enlisted.
Of course, I saw Platoon, and that was back before weed started becoming legal. Major General Jeff guesses that the number of waivers will only grow as more states decriminalize marijuana. How long will it be before the active military decides that they should enjoy the same rights enjoyed by the civilians they are protecting and serving? 
Tough to say, but seeing as how the Cheeto In Chief wants to ban transgender Americans from serving in the military, we are presented with what we call a "conundrum." Let's say that Recruit X is honest about his or her marijuana use, but still wants to serve their country. That same recruit would not be able to serve if they were as candid about their sexuality. Shouldn't there be a waiver for that? Or is smoking dope easier to excuse than being who you are?
Currently, the "President's" proposed ban on transgender Americans serving in the military has been blocked by the courts. Maybe that will give Major General Jeff a chance to find and process the correct forms. 

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