Thursday, November 16, 2017

Yuk Factory

Fans of classic comedy, be of good cheer, Don Rickles is not dead. Well, okay, he's mostly dead and remembered fondly by generations of badda-boom badda-bing fans. Perhaps none as fondly as the currently touring tribute act, Don Trickles. Check out this sample of his best stuff: “Why would Kim Jong Un insult me by calling me ‘old,’ when I would NEVER call him ‘short and fat?’” Get it? See how he turned that lame insult by the leader of North Korea into a rubber/glue type retort that ended up being a zinger back in his face? Ba BOOM!
Yes, welcome to the comedy stylings of Don Trickle, comedian and sometimes "President" of the United States. Exactly how funny you find his brand of humor probably depends on how you feel about his most frequent targets. There's "Crooked Hillary," and "Pocahontas." "Lyin' Ted Cruz" was hot a year ago, and "fake news" continues to be a hot topic in the cavalcade of yuks being foisted on us all from the mouth that continues to roar.
But no one seems to be as frequent a target as Kim Jong Un, the aforementioned Chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea and supreme leader of North Korea. Regularly referred to as "Little Rocket Man," Don Trickles seems to take special joy in needling this man not for his love of Elton John but rather for his possession of nuclear warheads that can be launched against the United States and its territories with little or no provocation. Ha ha ha. Get it? 
No? But we might. If the reality is that Kim Jong Un is a madman and a despot who treats his own people with careless disregard, what makes us think that calling him names won't unleash a missile or two in the general direction of his tormentor? I understand that the Pacific and the West Coast is relatively free of Trump real estate holdings, so the worries felt at Mar a Lago are limited, but those of us in the line of fire get a little nervous when we start looking at maps defining the range of those "little rockets." 
Sure, it seems funny. Until someone gets hurt. Or incinerated. Then I guess the joke's on us. 

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