Tuesday, November 28, 2017

What Did He Say?

This past week, more than three hundred people were killed at a mosque in North  Sinai. Militants detonated a bomb and then sprayed bullets into a crowd of worshipers last Friday. The bomb exploded inside the Al Rawdah mosque while forty gunmen fired into the group that attempted to flee. A witness said that the armed men were also firing at ambulances that were dispatched to help the victims. This  was the deadliest attack of its kind in modern Egyptian history. Egypt launched air strikes against suspected terrorist camps. 
In the midst of all this international turmoil, and between "quick" golf games, the "President" tweeted the following: "Will be calling the President of Egypt in a short while to discuss the tragic terrorist attack, with so much loss of life. We have to get TOUGHER AND SMARTER than ever before, and we will. Need the WALL, need the BAN! God bless the people of Egypt."
So -
Points for making contact with another world leader without calling him names or making fun of the tensions between our countries. Points as well for acknowledging the loss of life.
Then his caps lock button got stuck. Why is he saying that "we" need to be tougher and smarter? Does he mean the world as a whole? Or is he talking to his base? The wall and the ban? I don't think he's referring to the Middle East, except to say that he wants to keep certain elements out of our country. People from the Middle East. Heaven forbid that folks from that region saw America as a safe haven and wanted to bring their families to the land of the free and home of the brave. Egyptians? Okay. Anyone from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Chad, North Korea, and Venezuela would have to find another place to find peace. Just exactly how that wall figures into the plan to keep Islamic terrorists out of the United States is unclear. Maybe it's a problem with the geography curriculum in Queens, but I don't think the "President" fully grasps the situation. Unless, like the ban, plans for the wall have been revised to keep everyone out of everywhere. But that's not the real focus. The real focus is the manipulation of fear. The "President" may not be very good at geography, or diplomacy, or compassion, but he's aces when it comes to fear.

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