Saturday, November 18, 2017

Trust Verified

There is not a lot of room left for excuses. When Mitch McConnell says he will no longer support a Republican candidate for Senate, the margin has just moved past fractions to zero. If you have been avoiding anything that says "scandal" or "molest" or "grope" over the past week or two, you may have missed the part where Alabama Senate hopeful Roy Moore has been accused by a group of women who claim Mister Moore molested and pursued them when they were teenagers. As young as fourteen years old. Teenagers. 
While that settles, let us remember that Mitch McConnell Voted "No" on a government sponsored bill to reduce teen pregnancy by education and contraceptives. Mitch Voted "No" on reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act. What is Mitch for? He Voted "Yes" on barring the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gases. So, it would seem that saying "I believe the women" is something of a breakthrough for him. 
Then again, Mister McConnell is also a bit of a surfer. He tends to see waves coming in and going out and knows how to catch the next one. I hesitate to use the rats leaving a sinking ship metaphor because that would be degrading to the rodents. The real ones. The Grand Old Party is drawing a line in the sand on this one. Jeff Sessions said he has "no reason to doubt" the allegations. The Republican National Committee has pulled funding from Roy Moore's campaign. Always a little late to the party, Sean Hannity has decided to hop aboard the anti-Moore bandwagon. This may have had something to do with the number of advertisers that were jumping off the Sean Hannity bandwagon as he tried to figure out just what to believe, but now he has seen the light.
Meanwhile, the clock is ticking. The election will be held on December 12. Less than a month for Republicans of all size and stature to decide how they feel about alleged sexual abuse. Alleged as in Mitch McConnell believes the women. 
Go figure. As for the fifteen women alleging sexual misconduct by one Donald "You Figure Out What The J Stands For" Trump, we all must sit and wait. 
Go figure. 

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