Friday, September 15, 2017

The Crux Of The Matter

So many voices these days. So little time.
But now maybe it's time to take some time.
Listen to the children.
Listen to the wind.
Listen to the Pope.
Man is stupid,” he said, referencing a passage in the Old Testament, according to the The New York Times and The Associated Press. “When you don’t want to see, you don’t see.” 
He may have been quoting the Bible, but it sounds a lot like the Rock Man to me: "You see what you want to see, and you hear what you want to hear, dig?"
And that's fine, if the intersection of what I believe in Catholic dogma happens to intersect in The Point, I can live with that. Like the way I can live with Pope Francis. I was just lauding the thoughtful words of Miss Texas, so why should I be shy about my fondness for the pontiff? Like when he and our "President" got together last and Pope Francis handed our Pointless Man his one hundred eighty-four page encyclical "Laudato Si," calling on all Catholics to make saving the planet a top priority. If your Italian is a little shaky, that translates to "Be Praised." 
Yes. Let's praise those who see saving the earth upon which we spend most of our time a priority. Let's also sing for those who are willing to point out when the Emperor shows up in his birthday suit. Like the way Francis chose to call out our "President" on his threats against DACA. Dividing families, he said, isn't "pro-life." 
Well played, Francis.
And so we navigate through this scary time, brightened by the sounds we hear coming from what is not really the resistance as much as the reality check. And we take heart in the fact that while hurricane season continues, "President" Trump seems to have found a safe quiet place to hunker down until the storms pass, tweeting his encouragement and going out only when it's time to pass out hot dogs. 

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